About the project
The ICT world is male-dominated and technical driven. The Equal Digital project will enhance inclusion and diversity in the digital world by improving the competences of educators and breaking old stereotypes. Equal and inclusive education makes it possible for everyone to learn digital skills no matter their background or gender. Tackling exclusion from digital education is also a gender issue: there is a digital divide between genders in every European country, especially amongst the older generations and adult education.
The Equal Digital project produces “Train the trainer” learning materials to improve trainers´ skills in developing more inclusive training methods. The materials are designed specifically for ICT-trainers in adult education. Educators will learn new approaches to consider the individual needs of people who start to learn with only few digital skills. The trainers’ skills are updated with inclusive, accessible and participatory methods.
Gender- and diversity-sensitive learning materials will be available as online Open Educational Resources. The project also provides digital Open Badges. Local pilot trainings will be tested with 32 trainers and 256 participants to optimize the final training.